Thursday, 31 October 2013

Articulation Information

Just a reminder to all Grade 7 students and parents that District Choice or Mini School Info Nights are happening now.  Don't forget to check out for the calendar and information on each program.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Busy Week

There is a lot happening in Division 2 this week! Photo orders were due today; we are collecting Purdy's chocolate orders to raise money for "Stepping Up"; the Halloween dance is on Thursday; and we are collecting non-perishable food for the Vancouver Food Bank!

Upcoming Dates:
Nov. 5th - Photo Retakes
Nov 8th  - Don't forget to get those Purdy's orders in.  Cheques are payable to General Wolfe.
Nov. 21st - Symphony Field Trip (Forms to go home Nov. 12th)

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Welcome Ms. Cynthia Harper

Tuesday, October 22nd is Ms. Cynthia Harper's first day in Division 2.  We are so looking forward to having her.  Please come in and introduce yourself!

The 22nd is also the day that Ms. Kelly is scheduled to have her baby!  Yahoo!  We'll let you know when we do!

Important Dates:
Thursday, October 24th - Vancouver Public Library Field Trip
- Please pack a lunch or lunch money, weather appropriate clothing, and your child's library card.

Monday, October 28th - Gr. 7 Articulation Meeting
 - 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in Ms. Seger's room for information about transitioning to high school.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Vancouver Public Library Field Trip

Division 2 is focusing their attention on non-fiction reading and writing skills in term one.  We are focusing on 5-Paragraph essays, note taking, and research skills.  Next Thursday, October 24th, Division 2 is heading to the Vancouver Public Library for a day of research skill development.  The field trip form came home today and needs to be returned by Monday.  We are looking forward to it!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Goal Setting Conferences

Just a reminder about the 2pm dismissal tomorrow and Thursday for Goal Setting Conferences.  Your son or daughter should have brought home your conference time today.  If you did not get it, I have posted the schedule on the wall outside our classroom.  The office will also have a copy, so feel free to give them a call.

I look forward to discussing your child's first term goals with you.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Photo Day

Just a reminder that photo day is on Monday, Oct 7th. Peer Helpers will also be attending a training day in the library.  It should be a great week!  Enjoy the sunshine.