Monday, 30 March 2015

April Fools!

Things are really rolling in Division 2.  Novel study, vertebrates in science, and of course, our Micro-organism Narratives.  Your child should be completing the good copy of this non-fiction narrative this weekend as it is due Wednesday, April 8th and they have had 3 hours of class time to write it. In Health & Career Education, students have set their term 3 goals and we will be talking about optimism.  New research has shown that optimistic learners are able access their pre-frontal cortex easier than their pessimistic peers.  Check out this article about the importance of optimism:

Mrs. Soper & Miss Kelly

Monday, 23 March 2015

Spring is Here!

Hope everyone had a fantastic Spring Break!  The kids came back energised and refreshed today.  The countdown to summer is on with just over 3 months of school left.  We are starting Independent Novel Studies next week, so your child will need to find an age appropriate book to commit to, and bring it to school with them on Monday.  Miss Kelly will present a number of great books in the library on Wednesday, but we encourage them to look on their own book shelves and at the public library as well. 

Tomorrow is also our last skating day!  We will be skating with Divisions 1, and 3 as well.  Bring your skates and helmets.  Thank you to the parents who have come out to help with skates and to join us on the ice as well. 

By the end of this week every student in Division 2 will have presented their first A.C.E. Report.  Students have been reading, summarizing, and leading a discussion about a current event each day this week.  We have discussed Bill C-51, the fire at the port, the transportation tax and more.  It's been super interesting and we look forward to the next two weeks of presentations.  The attached link is a follow-up article to one of our discussions.

Happy reading!

Miss Kelly and Mrs. Soper

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Science Test Outline


PORIFERA (Sponges)


COELENTERATA (Coelenterates)




NEMATODA (roundworms)


ANNELIDA (segmented worms)




MOLLUSCA (Mollusks)

          Gastropoda (Gastropods)

          Bivalvia (Bivalves)

          Cephalopoda (Cephalopods)


ARTHROPODA (Arthropods)

          Crustacea (Crustaceans)
          Arachnida (Arachnids)


          Insectae (Insects)











Abc = Class

Abc = Order



The grade 6 test is out of 55 marks while the grade 7 test is out of 65 marks. 


Both tests involve choice in some parts.  In the first 4 parts you will have a number of questions and you will be asked to choose which questions you want to answer to total a certain number of marks.  The four sections have a total of 49 possible marks.  Grade 6s will be asked to answer 36 marks worth, grade 7s to answer 39 marks worth. You will have to choose questions from each of the 4 parts.


The fifth section on each test does not involve choice – you have to answer all questions – this section makes up the rest of the marks for the test.  There are a few more questions in this part of the test for grade 7s than there are for grade 6s. 


Things you will want to know or be able to do:

·         Look at a picture and identify what phylum that animal belongs to

·         Look at a picture and identify what phylum and class that animal belongs to

·         Grade 7s – identify what order an insect belongs to.

·         Know the phyla, classes, and orders we have talked about in class (sometimes you will have to identify them, sometimes you will just need to recognize the word and know what it means in order to figure out what the question is asking).  There is a list on the back of this sheet and I will accept either the Latin name or the more common English name (in brackets on the list). 

·         Know the basic characteristics of animals in each phylum or class (why do scientists group certain animals together)

·         Give examples of animals in each phyla, class, and order

·         Identify differences or similarities between animals in the same or different phyla

·         There may be other things that I am overlooking right now, but this will definitely cover the majority of the test.


Test Breakdown – how many marks are available in the choice sections for each phyla 


·         Simple Animals 15 marks possible


·         Echinoderms  and Mollusks 9 marks possible


·         Arthropods  13 marks


·         General Questions or questions involving more than one of the above groups 12 marks total

Monday, 2 March 2015

Science Test on Thursday

With the break coming up on Friday, many units are coming to a close.  Grade 6 students have a math test Wednesday on angles, triangles, and properties of shapes.  Our science unit on invertebrates is also finishing up.  The test on that is Friday.  It's a big test and we suggest that students study a bit each night.  The test will be on the numerous information and worksheets from throughout the term. Kids will have some choice as to which questions they answer on the test, but they will need to answer at least one question in each section. They will also need to be able to identify the phylum and class of an invertebrate from a diagram.  We summarized one of the sheets with visual notes, and many students found this helpful.  This might be a great way to study! 

Good luck! Spring Break is 4 days away!

Miss Kelly & Mrs. Soper