Monday, 25 May 2015

Communication Issues

Before we start, if you receive emails from the school via a Gmail account, you may not be receiving emails from the school.  Gmail has identified the VSB as a potential spammer, so have blocked or slowed our emails.  Please consider using an alternate email address while Gmail corrects the problem.

This week, the Spring Concert is Thursday night at 7pm, dress rehearsal will be at 1pm.  While we are not performing, the Choir, Pop Choir, and Band will be performing.  Gym doors will be open at 6:45 to parents.

A special thank you to the student volunteers who helped with childcare for the Community Appreciation Event.  They were amazing!  Thank you!

Have a great week.

Miss Kelly & Mrs. Soper

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Dance Party in Division 2

Lots of fun in P.E. today as two grade 7 students taught the rest of us a great new dance.  We are so lucky to have so much fun together!  The science projects that were due today look fantastic.  I have learned a lot already!  I am also enjoying marking the Novel Study projects.  For the most part, they are well done. 

Your child should have brought home 3 important sheets regarding camp today: a Medical Form, a Behavioral Contract, and a VSB Permission Form. Please read and fill out each form in full and return them to school by the 25th.

Just one final reminder about baby and current photos for all Grade 7 students.  Stepping Up is coming and we'd like to make sure we have everyone in the show!

Mrs. Soper & Miss Kelly 

Monday, 11 May 2015

Happy Monday!

Novel Study and French projects were handed in today!  I was very impressed.  Some students opted to take their Novel Study projects home after seeing some of their peer's work.  They will be resubmitting on Wednesday.  The kids continue to work on their science projects which are due in full next Tuesday.  Don't forget to keep the communication open.  If your child runs into trouble or are feeling overwhelmed, encourage them to email Miss Kelly or Mrs. Soper for support. 

Sports Day is this Thursday.  Kids were given their teams today.  The intermediate Sports Day will be at Hillcrest if you want to cheer them on.  There will be at 2pm dismissal that day.  Friday, May 15th will be a Professional Day.  Teachers will be working to create school-wide grade level expectations for our math goal.

Finally, Miss Kelly is still waiting for one baby photo and one current photo from each Grade 7 student.  All photos need to be submitted by Friday, May 15th. 

It's going to be a great week!

Miss Kelly & Mrs. Soper

Monday, 4 May 2015

May Days

Its hard to believe that the year is almost over.  Division 2 is working hard on our many projects and assignments.  In fact, we had both a Novel Study and French project work period today and both Maria and I were very impressed with everyone's focus and hard work.  Both projects are due on Monday!  We are looking forward to seeing the finished products.

If you ordered any plants for our Camp Fundraiser this year, they were delivered in classes today.  I ordered the hanging basket and the strawberry plant and they look healthy and full! 

In Grade 7 news, students have been asked to email Miss Kelly a baby picture and current photo of themselves by May 15th to use for the Stepping Up slide show.  Like last year, a team of students will be creating the show.

A big thank you to Heather Cohen, Kestel's mom, for coming in to show the kids in both Div. 2 & 3 how to make bath bombs.  It was really neat and I can't wait to try it at home. 

Lastly, thank you to all the parents who joined us at the Open House last week.  We love to watch students brag to their parents about something they are proud of at school.  If you weren't able to join us, perhaps ask your child about what they would have shared or drop by another time.

Fingers crossed from more sunshine,

Mrs. Soper & Miss Kelly