Monday, 30 November 2015

Internet Safety

Division 2 has begun discussing internet safety and digital citizenship.  Students monitored how many strangers they interacted with online over the weekend and we were shocked to discover that some kids in our class interact with close to 100 strangers on a regular basis through online gaming! While we will be talking about 9 ways to stay safe online, please ask your kids about their online habits and especially where they might make contact with strangers.  Check out Common Sense Media for some parent advice about Digital Citizenship.

December 1st marks the beginning of a lot of winter fun!

We continue to work on our biographies.  All kids should have chosen their topic, and we will be heading to the library at Hillcrest on Wednesday to pick up our books.  In science, students are working on their Endangered Animal assignment which is due on Monday the 7th.  Wolfe's Winter Concert is also next week, on Dec 10th.  Division 2 will be participating!  All students will need to be at school at 6:15 that night in order to perform.  It should be fun!

Miss Kelly & Mrs. Soper

Monday, 23 November 2015

Vision Boards Complete

It's been over a month, but we have finally completed our Vision Boards and they are fantastic!  We are so pleased and impressed with the insight and thoughtfulness the kids demonstrated in their boards.  It's going to be a visionary year!

We also took a look at our Term One goals late last week as we only have two weeks until the end of term one.  Kids have renewed their commitment to meeting their goals and have updated the steps they will take to achieve them.

Here is a photo of our homework board as it stands at the moment.  We have a Children's Librarian from the Vancouver Public Library coming in to teach us how to use the library's resources on Tuesday.  Each child will need a library card and pin number in order to participate.

One addition to the homework board will be a Social Studies 7 assignment that students will receive on Tuesday.  It is exploring the role of geography in the early stages of man and the creation of the first civilizations.  It's going to be pretty interesting.  I will post some links to helpful sites after our lesson tomorrow.  
Hope you all have a great week!

Mrs. Soper & Miss Kelly

Monday, 16 November 2015

Lots on the Horizon

As many units start to come to a close, there are a lot of tests and assignments on the horizon. Coming up this week:

  • Science test tomorrow,
  • Gr. 7 socials studies timeline, 
  • Library Card form due Wednesday,
  • Problem Solving Quiz Friday, 
  • Grammar Basics test Monday, 
  • French Basics test Wednesday.
It's really important that students commit to studying each night this week to prepare.  They can review notes and their textbooks, as well as use sites like to create flashcards.

Miss Kelly & Mrs. Soper

Monday, 9 November 2015

Welcome Ms. Raino

We are so fortunate to have Ms. Raino as our student teacher this year!  She is in the second week of her first practicum and is teaching about an hour a day this week.  She'll be back again once a week, and then finally, back in the Spring for her long practicum.  The kids are really enjoying having her as part of our community.  She's pretty great!

Over the last week, Ms. Raino and I have been leading the kids in discussions around Remembrance Day.  We were fortunate to host Mr. Weeks and Mr. Purdie, two Canadian Armed Forces members who spoke to the Gr. 6/7 students about heroism and their experiences in the military.  We also spent some time looking at the Canadian Virtual Memorial honouring a number of service people who died in Afghanistan.  It led to a lot of interesting discussions around war, peace, Canadian military involvement, and heroes. We encourage you to ask your child their thoughts.

The following is a photo of our calendar.  Grade 7s are heading to Hamber on Thursday.  Don't forget to drop them off at Hamber, not at Wolfe!

Mrs. Soper, Miss Kelly, & Ms. Raino

Monday, 2 November 2015

Great Goals!

We set some fabulous goals during conferences last week!  Lots of kids are focusing on using their planners, some are focusing on time management for projects and assignments, and many have reorganised their homework time at home to ensure that at least an hour of homework is done each night as it's so important to set good habits in term one.  Some students have really taken their goals to heart! One student set a goal of exploring art at home for an hour each week and we got this photo:

Wow!  Others kids are diving into the novels they committed to reading, or have started entering that pesky French vocab on  We have a little over a month to go to achieve our goals, so keep it up!  

As promised in those Goal Setting meetings, here is the class calendar so far this week.  Coming up, French skits are due Thursday!
Have a great week!  

Miss Kelly & Mrs. Soper