Monday, 27 February 2017

Coastal First Nations Dance Festival

We are so excited to expand our knowledge and experience of modern First Nations cultures by attending the Coastal First Nations Dance Festival on Wednesday morning at the Museum of Anthropology.  A big thanks to the 3 parents who are joining us!  We will be meeting at school at 8:45.  Here is an article about a local Metis dance group that will be performing at the festival:

Just a reminder that we are also skating Wednesday afternoon, so be sure and bring your helmets and skates.

Please ask your child about our Artist in Residence, Susan.  She talked all about her career and the many paths an artist can follow, as well as taught us some cool shading skills.  Even I felt like an artist!  

Have a great week!

Miss Kelly & Mrs. Soper

Monday, 20 February 2017

Skating, Dancing, and Yoga

Division 2 has a lot on the go as the term comes to a close next week.  Tomorrow (Tuesday, Feb 21st) we are skating.  We are also skating on Wednesday, March 1st after our field trip to the Coastal First Nations Dance Festival.   It will be a great way to expand our knowledge of modern First Nations culture in British Columbia.  We are still looking for 3 volunteers to join us on that field trip.  Please let us know if you are able to attend.   On Thursday, students will be demonstrating their original yoga "salutations."  Miss Kelly and I have been very impressed with their interest and commitment to their practice thus far.   Finally, Wednesday is Pink Shirt Day.  It's a great reminder to appreciate and celebrate one another's differences.

It's going to be a great week!

Mrs. Soper & Miss Kelly

Monday, 13 February 2017

Kindness, Love, and Reconciliation

The school has embraced a Kindness Theme this month.  Kids and staff are encouraged to be kind to one another and then celebrate that kindness by writing it on a pink heart.  Check out the school's kindness tree outside the office!  

To finish up our unit on Residential Schools, the students practiced using online student resources from both the VSB and the Vancouver Public Library to make and prove a statement about them.  I couldn't have been more impressed with their insight. Finally, the students ended with a final wish, a little bit of kindness.  We encourage you to come by and check it our display.

Coming up this week:

1. Valentine's Dance - Tuesday, Feb 14

2.  Hamber Play - Wednesday, Feb 15 ***If you have ordered hot lunch that day, you will need to cancel as they cannot accommodate our early lunch. ***

3. Second Camp Payment is due on Friday, Feb 17th.   We would like all kids to attend if possible, so please let us know if financial assistance is required.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Soper & Miss Kelly

Monday, 6 February 2017

February Fun!

We continue to work hard in Division 2!    Mrs. Soper & Miss Kelly have enjoyed eavesdropping on the kids' conversations about their lit circle novels.  They asked interesting questions, shared exciting ideas, and impressed us with their insight.  To finish our lit circles, your children should be busy scrapbooking as the week progresses.  Each student will be making a scrapbook page that represents the main ideas and themes in their literature circle novel.  We continue to inquiry about poverty in Language Arts.  We were fortunate to have a librarian from the public library come last week and improve our online resource skills.  In social studies, students are learning some background about other ancient civilizations to prepare for a coming inquiry assignment.  Finally, tonight at dinner be sure to ask your child if they know how to say what you are eating in French! 

Miss Kelly & Mrs. Soper