Monday, 25 February 2019

Mon, Feb 25

Science experiments should all start tomorrow if they haven't already.  All materials need to be ready to go!  Coming up this week is Pink Shirt Day on Wednesday.  The Humanitarian Club will also be hosting a bake sale supporting the Canuck Place Hospice.  All baked goods will be nut free and $2 each.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Wed, Feb. 20

We are so proud of how organized and hard working the kids are right now!  Way to stay focussed! Keep it up! 

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Important Dates - Tues, Feb. 19

Hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend!  We are back and hopefully working hard!  There are lots of things happening this week.  Your kids will most likely need your help staying on track this week, even if its just reminding them to do at least 20min of homework each night, or making sure they get 8hrs sleep!  

Important things this week:


1. Lit Circle Role Sheets & 1 Reading Power due - These sheets should be long completed by some details/colour etc. may be added.

2. Draft of What in the World article with definitions & Map - We have had 5hrs of class time for this.  It should be ready for review at 11am tomorrow. 


1. Lit Circle Project Plan - We have already had 1hr of work time and they will have 1 more hour tomorrow. 

2. Early Dismissal - We are dismissing early on Thursday as some teachers have their Student-Led Conferences.  We do not.  As previously noted, our conferences will be on the next early dismissal which is April 17.

Finally, all Hamber in-boundary applications are due next week.  If you want the school to send them in, please ensure they are completed and in my hands by Tues, Feb. 26th.

Monday, 18 February 2019

Science Fair Topic Ideas

If you are struggling to chose a topic for your abstract, here are some fun questions that could work:

Why are yawns contagious?
Why do snowflakes have that classic shape?
How do compostable plastics work?
How can we better use biomass in our households?
Is it possible to store electricity?

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Wed, Feb. 13

Lots of things are happening and you don't want to spend your weekend working!  The following things are due next week, so use your time wisely so you aren't up all night Monday!!

Tuesday, Feb. 19
- Science Fair Abstract + Bibliography
- Math Homework

Wednesday, Feb. 20
- Good copy of 2 Lit Circle Role Sheets & 1 Reading Power Sheet
- What in the World Article, including a picture and definitions
- What in the World Map

The students have had lots of class time to complete these assignments, but some will need time at home to finish.  Please support your child and help them manage their time in order to complete this work.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Lit Circles Postponed

Thank you to all the students who emailed me today worried about finishing their Lit Circles for tomorrow.  I emailed all the other teachers and we’ve postponed Lit Circles to Thursday morning. Hope that makes everyone feel a bit better!  BE FINISHED!   See you tomorrow (but fingers crossed for one more snow day)!

Snow Day

No school today! Enjoy the snow and stay safe and warm.

Hope everyone has their lit circle books at home!  They need to be finished on Wednesday!  Lucky most books have digital copies available. Be creative and find a way to finish your book on time if you didn’t bring it home last night.

Monday, 11 February 2019

Mon, Feb. 11

No homework board photo today!  We were crazy rushed this afternoon.  Math homework isn’t due until Thursday, and all kids should be working on choosing a topic for science and writing their WIW article tonight though. 

Tomorrow’s field trip is a little up in the air... if the schools are closed (which is unlikely), we will reschedule.  If they aren’t we need drivers with snow tires. If you have snow tires and can help at all, we would really appreciate it!  Please email us. Thank you! 

Thursday, 7 February 2019

VPD Visit Today

We were very fortunate to have a visit from the Vancouver Police Department today!  We started with a very spirited and hard fought game of basketball (Wolfe won, of course), and ended with a pretty intense lesson about sexting and cyber sexual exploitation.  As a teacher and a parent, these kind of talks are deeply upsetting.  The opportunity for exploitation is like nothing we have ever seen in the past.  The devices our children use leave them open to any number of dangers, even seemingly innocent ones.  Did you know that most child exploitation cases involving children between the ages of 9-11 start on video games and game consoles?  Is your child gaming alone?  Do you know who they are talking to?  It's crazy!? 

We'd like to encourage you to talk to your child about the VPD's lesson today.  Consider putting devices away in a central location after a certain time each night, and never let them in a bedroom.  If you want more information about online safety check out this useful website.

Science Lab Template

The information you need for the lab is on p.126 of the textbook! 

Statement of the Problem:
How does…

I think… because….


See p.??????

Independent Variable: (the thing being changed or controlled)
Dependent Variable: (the thing effected by the change)


Any other observations:

My hypothesis was…because… 
Factors that may have affected my results are…
I learned…about…

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Wed, Feb. 6

There is no homework tonight, so it's the perfect night to work on our larger assignments.  Encourage your child to do some research for the Science Fair tonight, to complete a Reading Power Sheet for Lit Circles, or to continue working on their What in the World assignment.  There are lots of projects on the go; don't fall behind!  

Monday, 4 February 2019

Mon, Feb. 4

Ideas for Feb. 15 Pro-D

FEBRUARY 15TH PRO-D DAY Sports Clinics
$35.00 for full day and $17.50 for half day sessions

Basketball Clinics
Students will be provided skill development instruction and an opportunity to practice those skills through our clinic games and challenges.  Focus on age appropriate passing, shooting, ball handling, and footwork and game situations.
·       Charles Tupper Sec.                    9:00 am – 3:00 pm     (Grades 5 – 7)
·       Kitsilano Sec.                                 9:00 am - 3:00 pm      (Grades 5 – 7)
·       Trafalgar Elem.                             9:00 am – 11:30 am   (Grades 3 – 4)
                                                           12:00 pm – 2:30 pm  (Grades 3 – 4)

Multi-Sports Clinics
·       John Oliver Sec.                            9:00 am – 3:00 pm     (Grades 3 – 6)
·       Winston Churchill Sec.               9:00 am – 3:00 pm     (Grades 3 – 6)  
o    Students will get an opportunity to play a variety of sports including
basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis and more!
o    Fun but challenging skill building games


Volleyball Clinics – (Morning and Afternoon sessions)
·       Kitsilano Sec.(AM)                     9:00 am – 11:45 am     (Grades 5 – 7)
·       Kitsilano Sec. (PM)                    12:15 pm – 3:00 pm    (Grades 5 – 7)
The volleyball sessions are half day options (you will need to register for the morning and afternoon sessions if you are looking for full day option).  ($17.50 for each session)


Badminton Clinics – (Morning and Afternoon sessions)
·       Eric Hamber Sec.(AM)              9:00 am – 11:45 am     (Grades 5 – 7)
·       Eric Hamber Sec. (PM)             12:15 pm – 3:00 pm    (Grades 5 – 7)
The badminton sessions are ½ day options (you will need to register for the morning and afternoon sessions if you are looking for full day option).  ($17.50 for each session)


Please visit the VSSAA website which is – the Pro-D clinics and camps can be found under the SPECIAL EVENTS TAB on the top of the home page.  Under each of the sport headings there is a brief description of the camp.  Click on the REGISTER TAB to be taken to then to the online registration section - a family account will need to be created and then add the athlete information to your account prior to registering for the clinic or camp of your choice.