Monday, 11 March 2019

Mon, March 11

Can't wait for Gregg LeRock tomorrow!  It's going to be super fun.  Check out his music on his website

We have a couple other field trips on the go as well. On Wednesday we are heading to the Youville Residences to meet our Senior buddies.  Thank you to Katelyn, Ryan, Edmund, and Jacob's moms for their offer to drive us both ways.  Miss Kelly is also looking for drivers for our rescheduled field trip to the Museum of Vancouver after the break.  We'd really appreciate your help!

Friday, 8 March 2019

Fri, March 7

Spring Break is around the corner, and Miss Kelly and I have been so impressed with how hard to kids have been working the last month.  Thank you parents for your support!  On a side note, in a staff meeting today Mrs. Nichols confirmed that no kids can be inside the school before the bell in the mornings, even if they are working quietly on homework.  This is going to be a big change for some kids who use this time on a regular basis.  I am usually at school sometime between 8 and 8:30, but if you need to come in early to work, please email me so I can be there to open the classroom for you.  I’d hate for this change to affect anyone’s stress level or homework!  

Enjoy the weekend! 

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Congratulations Sr. Boy Basketball!

Second in the city!  We are so proud!  We weren’t at the game, but Miss Walker kept us up to date with videos, photos, and scores. Congratulations on a great season.

Wed, March 6

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Tues, March 5

Sorry no photo yesterday.  We are back on track today though!  Please note, the math is due tomorrow (see Thea's arrow).