Monday, 18 November 2019

Monday, Nov. 18

Okay, it’s hard to be back in the classroom after our amazing week at AquaSchool last week.  Thank you for all your lovely notes and messages about how much your kids enjoyed it. We loved it too.  And a big thank you for the amazing mugs!  I’m sipping my tea in my Aquarium mug right now.  You are all very thoughtful.  We really appreciate it. 

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

AquaSchool Day 1

What an amazing first day!  We’ve all made connections to our observation animals, explored the aquarium, and even dissected a squid!  Ask your child for details!

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Thursday, Nov. 7

Wow!  What a great week.  Thank you everyone for joining us for goal setting conferences.  We hope they will be really motivating as we progress this year.  Also, Div. 1 creating an amazing Remembrance Day assembly today.  We didn't have much time, but they went all out and made some heart felt contributions. 

We are also really excited about AquaSchool on Tuesday!  Please make sure you are here on time and ready to go!