Friday 6 September 2013

The New Division 2

We are so excited for this year!  Division 2 is a great group of kids and we are confident that it will be a year full of learning and laughter.

Parents, we'd love it if you subscribed to this blog so you can keep up to date about things happening in the classroom.  Information about field trips, permission forms, fundraising, and other class business can be found here.     

For example, all students received a permission form to participate in badminton during P.E. for the next few weeks.  The permission form and $4 needs to be returned as soon as possible.

Thanks and we look forward to meeting you all over the next few weeks!

Ms. Kelly & Mrs. Soper


  1. Yay! First comment! This is too cool! I am so excited! Ms.Soper, i was wondering what were the titles of the books you told us about today. I want to read them but i forget the titles...

  2. I really want to follow, but I don't have a google account, sorry. Is there some way I can follow with a wordpress account?
    Jen :)

  3. Yay! I'm following on my wordpress account. It may not say I'm following because it is a wordpress account, but whatever ;)
