Monday, 5 December 2016

Winter Concert!

The Winter Concert is this Wednesday and Division 2 will be in it, along with the Choir, Pop Choir, Beginner, and Advanced Bands.  The concert starts at 6:30 this year, and we are asking children to arrive and check in with their teacher by 6.  They are also asked to wear toques, hats, mitts, etc. as a costume.  

Check out our Countdown to the Break/Advent calendar!  16 Acts of Kindness.  Hopefully you got to enjoy some of the first 3.  Friday's was to clean up your room or unload the dishwasher without begin asked!   Division 2 is also continuing to collect food for the Vancouver Foodbank.  Thank you to everyone who has already contributed.  

There is a short math quiz coming up on Thursday this week (its written on the calendar on Friday by mistake).  Also this week is the Gr. 6/7 Holiday dance on Friday.  The Humanitarian Club would like each child to bring a donation to the Foodbank as an entrance fee.  

Division 2 will also be organizing a gift exchange.  Details will be sorted out in class tomorrow, but we encourage all children to participate.  It should be student driven and as personal as possible, so try to encourage your child to take the lead on this! 

Miss Kelly & Mrs. Soper

1 comment:

  1. Superb photos from this winter concert! I liked the way you have shared complete details about this. At domestic LA venue I will also be attending EDM on this weekend with my friends. I have heard a lot about EDM events at this venue so feeling quite eager to see how it turns out for me.
