Monday, 11 May 2020

Week of May 11th

A belated happy Mother's day!   A couple of things this week: 

1. For those of you heading into the school over the next 2 weeks to clean out your desks and take home your personal belongings, we ask that you also bring back all your library, class library, or textbooks that you have at home as well.  There is a table in the classroom where you can stack them.  Also, check out the pile of classroom lost & found at the front of the room.  😊

2.  We would like to encourage the kids to check into Teams and their email at least once a day, if not twice.  There have been several cases of kids missing meetings or important messages because they didn’t check their email regularly and it’s really the only way we can get in touch with them now! 

Have an amazing week!  

To Do: 

Heritage Fair 2.0:   Please check out the website, look at other people’s projects, and celebrate your success by sharing the website with family.  Complete your Heritage Fair Reflection Sheet in your Teams Assignments by Friday, May 15th.

Time Capsule: Try to complete and submit your fourth entry by Sunday, May 17th please.  See the Literacy Tab for more details.   
Novel Study: 
a.       We will continue to discuss our novels in the Small Group Meetings, so think about what you might want to share.  Use sticky notes, a Reading Power sheet, or even a journal to keep track of your questions, inferences, connections, visualization, and transformation.  
b.       We are starting the Novel Study project today!  The assignment sheet is in the Assignments and on the Class Notebook.  There are 4 categories (Theme, Character, Setting, Plot) and 4 possible assignments for each one.  Each week, you choose a category and one assignment to complete that will be due that Friday.  Think of each assignment like a mini project.  Do your best!  Think deeply!  Be creative!  If you have a cool way of presenting your assignment, or a better idea for a question, talk to Ms. Kelly or Mrs. Soper and do it!  The goal is to show us how deeply you understand, appreciate, and connect to the various aspects of the story.  
Math 7 Ravenclaw/Segers:  Probability Game Assignment due May 27th

Math 7 Hufflepuff/Jekubik Check your Khan Academy accounts to see what's been assigned.  You have 3-weeks worth of material on there. You are permitted to work ahead, but you must finish the assigned tasks by their due dates. The due dates for the new assignments on KA are correct.  

Math 6:    
a.       Multiplying Decimals Video and Assignment.  Watch the video before the live lesson on Wednesday and complete the Jump Math pages.  All of the questions are assigned this week, and they are not optional.  Please complete all 6 pages (they aren’t as long as they look) and upload a picture of them to your My Work in Assignments before Friday, May 15th.
b.       Watch the 4 Khan Academy videos and complete the 4 assignments on Multiplying Decimals by Friday, May 15th. Make sure you click the “Turn-In” button in Teams Assignments when you are done.

Fine Arts: Cards for Seniors.  Ms. Zheng (one of our kindergarten teachers) volunteers for an organization that connects kids with Seniors.  Since our local care homes are closed to visitors at the moment, her organization is collecting photos of cards, poems, posters, art, videos, etc. to send to the residents of those homes.  Much like we did before the winter holidays, we are asking you to send a message to the Seniors living in isolation.   You will have 2 weeks to create something (or more than one something) amazing!  See the assignment and the Fine Arts tab in the Class Notebook for more details.


Check out this science journal. It’s like a “What in the World” for science.  This month’s edition has cool articles about everything from space to neuroscience.  There are questions after too (totally optional).  I really enjoyed reading it.  

Try DuoLingo!  It’s a free app that’s tons of fun and great for learning any number of languages!  
Health & P.E:  
Mr. Allen has a challenge to all Wolfe staff and students?  Are you ready for it? Can you push up and plank for a whole song.  Check out his video and do what the song says about when you go up and when to go down.  Post your success on our New Things channel. (Mrs. Soper could only get half way through the song! It’s time to start training!)
Spend some time this week reflecting on how your Heritage Fair went.  Was your project everything you hoped it would be?  What would you do differently next time?  What are some ways that online learning made it more challenging?  In what ways did it make it easier for you?

Please email by Friday with photos if you want to be included in his slide show sharing learning at home.  

Check out the Library Newsletter from Ms. Cameron.  It’s in the Teams: Files>Library News.  Email her at with book suggestions for her newsletter next week.  
Continue sharing your Try New Things with us!  We've been super impressed so far and you are giving us ideas too!  

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