Monday, 4 May 2020

Week of May 4th

Happy May 4th! We want to start by saying once again how impressive your children have been during this transition to online learning.   Wow!  They have mastered new programs, problem solved new tech issues, had to reach out to communicate, ask for help, and collaborate with others.  Impressive.  Plus, they have to manage their online schedules.  Who would ever have thought we'd hear an 11-year old say, "When is that meeting? I can't find it in my schedule?" 

We appreciate that many parents are very involved in ensuring that work is completed and we thank you.  (Don't worry if you are not!  We will let you know if your child needs help.)  Thank you for all you do to support your child's learning.  If ever you feel that the workload is too much, or your family is feeling overwhelmed, please contact us and we will adjust.

Speaking of overwhelmed... The Heritage Fair projects are done (mostly)!   Miss Kelly and I have been working on a website that should be ready to share mid-week.  We will send an invitation home for you to view all the projects from Div. 1, 2, & 3.   Please send to your family and friends and let them see how amazing your child is! 

Have a great week! 

Heritage Fair 2.0:   You did it!  Have we mentioned how proud we are of you?  You overcame technology and quarantine to create some amazing projects.  We are so excited for the Virtual Fair.  We will send out the website (hopefully) on Wednesday.  Your assignment this week is to complete a reflection sheet about the Heritage Fair in general.  It will be assigned once the website is launched and due the following week.  Check the assignment in Teams later in the week for details.   

Time Capsule: Try to complete and submit your third entry by Sunday, May 10th please.  See the Literacy Tab for more details.   
My BluePrint Essay Reflection: We review your rubric and complete the MyBlueprint journal by Friday, May 8th.

Novel Study: Start reading and be sure to keep to your schedule.  We will be discussing our novels in the Small Group Meetings this week, so think about what you might want to share.  Use sticky notes, a Reading Power sheet, or even a journal to keep track of your questions, inferences, connections, visualization, and transformation.     

Math 7 Ravenclaw/Segers:  Please attend Wednesday’s class and do not be late as I will be introducing the final probability assignment. 
a.       Khan Academy - 1 quiz and 1 test
b.       Complete 2 of the 4 stations posted to Teams. Explain your thinking in detail and use a table, tree diagram, picture or other diagram as needed to show your understanding. 

Math 7 Hufflepuff/Jekubik Check your Khan Academy accounts to see what's been assigned.  You have 3-weeks worth of material on there. You are permitted to work ahead, but you must finish the assigned tasks by their due dates. The due dates for the new assignments on KA are correct.  

Math 6:    Time to catch up!  If you have been putting math on the back burner for Heritage Fair, use this week to catch up and refocus!
a.       Adding & Subtracting Decimals Video and Assignment.  The Jump Math pages are just for practice, I suggest completing b&d, and odd word problems.  Please complete the “Mrs. Soper’s Extra Questions” and upload and turn it in by Friday, May 8th.
b.       Complete the Khan Academy Assignments on Multiplying and Dividing decimals by powers of 10.  (3 Videos, 1 Exercises) 

Grade 7 Stepping Up Photos: 1 current and 1 baby picture emailed to by May 8th.


Check out this science journal. It’s like a “What in the World” for science.  This month’s edition has cool articles about everything from space to neuroscience.  There are questions after too (totally optional).  I really enjoyed reading it.   

Try DuoLingo!  It’s a free app that’s tons of fun and great for learning any number of languages!  
Health & P.E:  
Mr. Allen has a challenge to all Wolfe staff and students?  Are you ready for it? Can you push up and plank for a whole song.  Check out his video and do what the song says about when you go up and when to go down.  Post your success on our New Things channel.   
Spend some time this week reflecting on how your Heritage Fair went.  Was your project everything you hoped it would be?  What would you do differently next time?  What are some ways that online learning made it more challenging?  In what ways did it make it easier for you?

Fine Arts:   
Virtually explore a museum this week.  Pick your favourite piece of art and try and recreate it!  
Louvre                               Guggenheim                      The Vatican 

Please email by Friday with photos if you want to be included in his slide show sharing learning at home.  

Check out the Library Newsletter from Ms. Cameron.  It’s in the Teams: Files>Library News.  Email her at with book suggestions for her newsletter next week.  

Continue sharing your Try New Things with us!  We've been super impressed so far and you are giving us ideas too!  

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