Monday 26 January 2015

Cold & Flu Season Hits Hard

Illness has hit Division 2 hard the last couple of weeks.  It's been a revolving door of absences.  Just a reminder to wash your hands throughout the day, but especially before eating.  Also, if your child is sick at home, once they are back, they will need to catch up on the lessons they missed (if not the assignments).  This is especially true with subjects like math and French where new material is covered each period.

The Pop Choir performed Hedley's "Anything" at the assembly today.  They did a fantastic job!  You can catch them performing again at the "Pink Day" assembly at the end of February.

There are a ton of  assignments coming due in the next few weeks.  I will update the calendar tomorrow, so be sure to check back then. 

Mrs. Soper & Miss Kelly

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